L’chu neranenah with kiddush cups

A commission for a retiring rabbi, who said that Kabbalat Shabbat was particularly meaningful for him and that he loves leading people in prayer and song. The text here is from Kabbalat shabbat, and I was thinking about shabbat and its symbols, especially kiddush, which is usually sung (so that is a connection to singing) and there’s the tradition of overflowing of the kiddush cup.

In the design, on the left is an array of kiddush cups of all different designs, stretching from the top of the papercut to the bottom and beyond our field of vision in both directions. Starting from out of the frame at the top, and continuing out of the frame at the bottom, is liquid (wine, or grape juice) flowing into each cup, and also overflowing it into other cups below it. A never-ending collection of streams, with no beginning and no end. The wine flowing from cup to cup represents song, and inspiring others through song for both singing and social justice, while the cups represent all different people. At the right side of the papercut is the full text from Kabbalat Shabbat.

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June 2021